Gazi Husrev Bey's Khaniqah
Sarači 49
Type: Sport Venue, Concert Venue, Conference Venue
Occupying an area of more than 7 km2, the Zetra Olympic Complex is the largest sports and recreational facility of its kind in Sarajevo.
It was built for the XIV Winter Olympic Games and was designed by architects, Dušan Đapa and Ludmil Alkalfić.
The central part of the complex is the multifunctional Zetra Olympic Hall which can accommodate 12,000 spectators. Sporting, cultural and entertainment events and fairs regularly take place at this venue.
The complex went up in flames when it was hit by grenade fire in 1992 and the rest of the facility was badly damaged during the last war.
With help from the International Olympic Committee, Zetra was able to undergo reconstruction at the end of the 1990s and, since that time, it has been named after Juan Antonio Samaranch, in memory of the long-term President of the IOC and a great friend of Sarajevo.
In addition to the large sports hall, which occupies the central part of the complex, there are also three smaller gymnasiums, an area for archery, bowling, a fitness center, a dance hall, as well as administrative and auxiliary spaces.
The BiH Olympic Committee and Olympics Museum are located in the annex, next to the central building. The complex also houses a speed skating facility, which doubles as a tennis center and go cart track during the summer months.
Zetra is also the venue for ZOILAND, an amusement/recreational park that runs during the summer for all generations.