Morića Han
Sarači 77
Type: Attraction
The Bridge in Plandište, or Roman Bridge, is located at the western entrance to Sarajevo, about two kilometers downstream from the source of the Bosna River.
It is thought that there was a bridge on this spot even during the Roman period and that it acquired its current form during the Ottoman period. The name, “Roman Bridge”, comes from the fact that it was constructed using Roman spolia, stone slabs featuring bas-reliefs of nudes.
The bridge is first mentioned in a travel log kept by a Venetian envoy, Katarino Zeno, who passed through Sarajevo in 1550 and wrote: “…the Bosna River, which gushes out from below a mountain I don’t know the name of, is great, and there is a stone bridge with seven arches that passes over it. From here one can see the river gushing forth from the mountain.”
It isn’t known, exactly, who was responsible for the bridge’s construction, but it is thought to be one of three Grand Viziers: Rustem Pasha Hrvat, Semiz Ali Pasha or Gazi Ali Pasha.
The Bridge in Plandište area (other names: Roman Bridge, Bridge across the Bosna River at Plandište), with its natural and architectural features, was made a National Monument of BiH in 2005.