10 Reasons to Visit Sarajevo

When to Visit



During December you can enjoy the festive, holiday atmosphere in Sarajevo. Once again, the Sarajevo Holiday Market will be held at Hastahana park, from 5. 12. 2018 to 13. 01. 2019. This manifestation celebrates all of the major holidays that are celebrated this time of year in BiH's capital city – Jewish Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year.... More




Sarajevo Stories

Sarajevo Brewery

Sarajevo Brewery

Founded on May 24, 1864, Sarajevska Pivara preserves the tradition of the oldest industrial establishment in BiH, and was the only brewery to be operating in two great empires – the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian. More

  1. When you enter a coffee house and look for a place to sit, you need to be very careful not to trip over the long pipes which smokers, who are seated on low pillows, leave in the middle of the coffee house floor. If you step on one of these long pipes or even touch it, it can cost you dearly, for you are disturbing the Sarajevans’ “pleasure”. Notwithstanding all of the commotion outside in Čaršija, inside there is silence. All you can hear is the bubbling of the water pipes and the sound of coffee boiling on the embers.

    Robert Stanhopes, a traveler who visited Sarajevo in 1634
  2. There are many cities called Saraj in this world…, but this fortified Bosnian city of Sarajevo is the most advanced, most beautiful and most lively of them all.

    Evlija Čelebi, 17th century Ottoman traveler

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