Ali Pasha’s Mosque
Hamze Hume bb
Type: The Bridges of Sarajevo
Congressman McCloskey Bridge crosses the Miljacka River in Otoka and joins Bulevar Meše Selimovića and Prijedorska Street, which runs past the Otoka Shopping Center.
This bridge is also known to Sarajevans as the Otoka Bridge, and was built in 1974 as a project done by Traser and it’s interesting to note that this project bureau also built a bridge on Topal Osman Paše Street, to join the Sarajevo neighborhoods of Grbavica and Socijalno.
In 2010 the bridge was named after Francis Xavier “Frank” McCloskey, a six-term Democratic representative in the U.S. Congress.
Congressman McCloskey (1939-2003) proved himself to be a true friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina during our last war by working tirelessly to stop the craziness of the fighting.