Franz & Sophie - World of organic tea
Petrakijina 6
Type: Traditional Craftsman Store
Muhamed Huseinović is a master of coppersmith's of the fourth generation in the family. He started to learn about this craft when he was six year old boy at his father and in the year 1967 he completed the Craftsmens' school.
Continuing the family tradition, Muhamed taught both his sons, Ismet and Ismar, with the skills of the coppersmith craft thus transmitting his knowledge into the future. As the youngest educated craftsman, Ismar cast kettles and caldrons for plum jam and marmalade, water and coffee pots, pans, plates...
The coppersmith products were very much demanded by the sixties of the 20th century representing the obligatory inventory in every house and also the integral part of the bride's dowry (especially pans, plates, water pots engraved in copper).