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  • Zmajevac is located in the old part of town, above the neighborhood of Vratnik, and is considered one of the most popular vantage points, both by Sarajevans and visitors alike.

    This spot not only offers a beautiful view of town, but also of the surrounding hills, the evergreen forest, known as “Sedam Šuma”, and the mountains: Trebević, Igman and Bjelašnica.

    Many come to Zmajevac to rest their souls, socialize over a coffee and enjoy the view. And the view really is quite unforgettable. It’s loveliest at night, especially under a clear and star-filled sky – when it’s hard to tell where the sky ends and the city lights begin.

    The benches in the rest area, the fountain and its cold water and ample parking all make Zmajevac even more interesting and accessible for visits.

    You can reach Zmajevac by taking a long walk through the lively mahalas of Vratnik, or by bus or taxi. A taxi ride from the center of town should cost anywhere between 6KM and 8KM

Transportation Info
  • Distance from the Sarajevo Airport:13.0km
  • Distance from the Sarajevo Bus Station:6.4km
  • Distance from Center:5.1km
  • Taxi ride from/to the airport:26min/14 KM
  • Nearest public transport station:Bus station Zmajevac