The Nulta Zona, or Zone Zero (0), takes in streets that are located right in the center of town. Zone 1 takes in the primary streets in each of the city’s municipalities and Zone 2 covers the secondary roads which have far less traffic.
Zone 0
The following streets lie within this zone: Aščiluk, Branilaca Sarajeva, Ćemaluša, Ćumurija, Despićeva, Gimnazijska, Hadži-Ristića, Kulovića, Radićeva, Safvet-bega Bašagića, Sagrdžije St. (starting at Ćemerlina St.) and Zelenih Beretki.
The cost of parking in Zone 0 is 2KM per hour and vehicles can be left in their parking spots for up to two hours.
Zone 1
Zone 1 covers the following parking areas: Marijin Dvor, Skenderija (two parking lots), Avdage Šahinovića, Bistrik II, Koševo, the National Museum, Envera Šehovića, Train Station 1 and Train Station 2.
The cost of parking in Zone 1 is also 2KM per hour but, unlike Zone 0, there is
no limit on how long vehicles can be left in their parking spots.
Zone 2
Zone 2 takes in the all of the remaining parking areas in the parts of town that have far less traffic. The cost of parking in Zone 2 is 1KM and there is no time limit on parking.
The fine for improper parking in Sarajevo is 40KM.