Sarajevo will host European Museum of the Year conference

This May, The War Childhood Museum is going to host one of the most important European museum events: the European Museum of the Year conference and awards ceremony.


The European Museum of the Year conference is the oldest European museum event with a 40-year long tradition.

The conference is held in a different European city every year, and this is the first time that is going to be hosted in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This decision was made, in part, on the basis that last year the War Childhood Museum won one of the two most esteemed awards within the European Museum of the Year program, the Council of Europe Museum Prize.

The War Childhood Museum did their best to convince the European Museum Forum that Sarajevo is the best place to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing European museums in the 21st century.

On this occasion, Sarajevo will host going to host hundreds of museum experts, which will make our city an important point on the European museum map in 2019.

For the first time in the EMYA’s history, presentations about the museums from the host country will be part of the conference program.

You can find more info about this event at:ore information: