Vijećnica (City Hall)
Obala Kulina bana 1
Type: Architecture, The Bridges of Sarajevo
The Ars Aevi pedestrian bridge connects the banks of the Miljacka River near the National Museum and the Historical Museum of BiH. This is also where the Ars Aevi Museum of Modern Art is set to be built by 2018.
The name of the bridge and the museum is a partial anagram of “Sarajevo”, which means “art of the epoch” in Latin.
The bridge was designed by the famous Italian architect, Renzo Piano, who will also design the Ars Aevi Museum.
Piano, a recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize and an honorary citizen of Sarajevo, also donated funds used to construct the Ars Aevi Bridge, which opened in 2002 and serves as both an actual and symbolic passage leading to the site of the future museum.
The Ars Aevi collection is one of the most important collections of modern art in this part of the world and is currently housed at Vijećnica, where will be until Museum building is finished.