Ashkenazi Synagogue
Hamdije Kreševljakovića 59
Without a doubt, the most valuable piece in the collection of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Sarajevo Haggadah. More
That Sarajevo occupies an area that has long been inhabited is testified to by the many remains left by the Butmir Civilization, Illyrians, Romans, the medieval Slavic state.... And, from the very moment when the Ottoman military leader, Isa Bey Ishaković, laid Sarajevo's foundations around 1460, the town continued to grow, absorbing and ultimately reflecting the various influences it has been subjected to over the centuries. More
Architecture, Historical, National Treasure
Petrakijina 9, 11, 13 and 24, Sarajevo | Map
Architecture, Historical, National Treasure The entire villa complex on Petrakijina Street, which comprises Villa Mandić, as well as Villa Heinrich Reiter, Villa Hermina Radisch and Villa Forstrath Miklau, all represent the most well-preserved grouping of villas from the Au... More
Historical, War related
Hiseta, Sarajevo | Map
Historical, War related The bust of Vladimir “Walter” Perić – the legendary leader of the Sarajevo resistance movement during World War II – is near Skenderija Bridge, close to the old power distribution center. More
Sarajevo | Map
Historical Vraca Memorial Park is located in what was once an Austro-Hungarian fortification built at the end of the 19th century in Vraca, a neighborhood on the northern slopes of Trebević. This park has great cultural, historical, artistic... More
Architecture, Historical, National Treasure
Valtera Perića 1, Sarajevo | Map
Architecture, Historical, National Treasure This building, which was formerly home to Zagreb Hotel, was built in 1898 according to designs by Karl Paržik. Built a year after Valtera Perića Street was laid out, it was originally intended to serve as rental/commercial propert... More