Ćurčiluk veliki 20
Type: Traditional Craftsman Store
Sakib, Muhamed's father completed the goldsmith's craft before the Second World War and the master exam at his teacher, respectable the Sarajevo master Fočak. Muhamed continued his father’s way and in 1974 completed goldsmith's craft.
His passed successfully the final exam at his teacher – the master Kasumagić Fuad by making solitaire ring and earrings with sapphire.
His store in Kujundžiluk number 5, since the opening in 1985, has been a place of gatherings of many Sarajevo citizens and buyers who, sometimes, along with drinking coffee „razgovoruša“ share with the master very pleasant moments.
Jewellery in his store keeps certain old forms, more or less transformed in the spirit of tradition and taste of the surrounding. It is made in gold, silver or platinum decorated with pearls, corals, and other precious and semi-precious stones – sapphire, diamonds, rubies, and also synthetic stones.