Franz & Sophie - World of organic tea
Petrakijina 6
Type: Traditional Craftsman Store
Goldsmith’s trade of the Čengić family has lasted from the times of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia when, Nermina’s grandfather started to work. After the Second World War the shop was in their ownership and the business was run by father’s mother Atifa.
Rasim Čengić, master in goldsmith’s, the second generation of goldsmiths in the family, completed the craft’s school in the year 1956 thus overtaking the running of the business. His daughter, Nermina Čengić-Begović, passed the expert goldsmith’s exam in 1986, and three years later she graduated at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo. Since 2000, she has been leading the shop with her husband.
Her first independent work was pending with golden lily in the yew wood, which she made during the war. Nermina is a craftsman and a designer – artist. She uses the crafts knowledge in making jewelry and while designing it she uses different materials – ceramics, gold, silver, Swarovski crystals...
Her unusual NB - Gold line was created in 2004. Because of Nermina’s original and specific creativity expressed in jewelry production she was admitted to the membership od ULUPUBiH (Association of Visual Artists).