Kenan Ademović

Sarajevo is a City That is Easy to Love!

Kenan Ademović is one of Sarajevo’s well-respected lawyers, and a member of Sarajevo Canton Assembly, which means that he has an excellent opportunity to advance the city’s potentials.


Kenan is especially attached to the left bank of Miljacka River, particularly for the part located above Skenderija. His family has been living on Soukbunar for over 300 years, in a street which carries the name of his grandfather – Ejub Ademović. His sanctuary is located on Soukbunar – in a garden, next to his home, where he goes to recharge his batteries.

He is also tied to the part of the city surrounding the Faculty of Law where he studied, and to which he is still connected as his job that takes him to the Palace of Justice on an almost daily basis. Still, Kenan’s favorite buildings in Sarajevo are the main post office and City Hall (Vijećnica).

When he is in a mood for a walk, Kenan takes the route from the Eternal Flame to Sebilj, during which he often meets many of his friends.

- That makes me feel like a true Sarajevan, and Sarajevo becomes the most beautiful city in the world.

He takes his daily coffees in places near the Municipality Court, and frequents cafes in Radićeva Street in pauses between hearings. One of his favorites is Spazio Café, and he loves to go to cafés Rich and Habsburg.

For a nice atmosphere during the evening hours, Kenan cannot choose between his favorite restaurants – Avlija, Galija, Pod lipom and Peppers. He enjoys ćevapi in his favorite ćevabdžinica – Kod Nune.

According to Kenan, spring suits Sarajevo best, as the slopes surrounding the city start awakening from winter sleep, and the nature gets its first bloom. For the best view of the city, Kenan recommends Avaz Twist Tower, which is in his opinion the most beautiful modern building in Sarajevo, as well as Zmajevac.

He visits cultural events whenever he has a chance, but emphasizes that Sarajevo Film Festival is his favorite, because Sarajevo is the center of attention during those days.

To the tourists who come to see Sarajevo to enjoy the varieties of the city where East meets the West, Kenan recommends a tour of the city with the tourist bus. He also invites them to take a walk through Baščaršija and drink water in front of Bey’s Mosque, because:

- Sarajevo is a city that is easy to love and that you can never leave behind!