He fell in love with our city while visiting friends from Italy who had been working here for years and described Sarajevo as an excellent place to live.
Love in Sarajevo
- During one visit, I met my partner, Azra, which gave me another reason to settle down here.
Once he had decided to move, he sold his restaurant in northern Sicily and opened a small Italian restaurant on Tabašnica St.
- At Da Vincenzo, we prepare Mediterranean food, fresh pasta, gnocchi, arancini, Parmigiano, bruschetta…, and vegetarian dishes. We use outstanding BiH products,
He shares that he is really fond of Bosnian cuisine. He enjoys local dishes at
- I often buy
For Giancarlo, the best international restaurants in Sarajevo are 4 Sobe Gospođe Safije, Luka Sarajevo, Libertas and Hedona Wine Club, which has its own vineyard.
- And my outings around BiH are as a gourmet: I enjoy fritters at Milano Pizzeria in Visoko, ćevapi in Travnik, Tvrdoš wine in Trebinje….
He says visitors should go to Baščaršija, as well as up to hills around Sarajevo and the Avaz Twist Tower, to enjoy a view of the city.
- Sarajevans have delighted me! They are kind and sociable, just like residents of southern Italy. This city allows you to find your own way, your own dimension.
An abundance of diversity
- I am fascinated by the nice and peaceful coexistence among totally different people here. Because I know many couples who come from different parts of the world and belong to different religions, like with me and Azra, and I enjoy Eids with her family. People love and respect one another here, they mark all holidays and give money to the poor of all faiths. Where else in the world does this happen?
Giancarlo enjoys walking and biking along Wilson’s Promenade, and he has his own winter ritual.
He is keen to go to wine festivals and classical music concerts. He usually gives friends who live abroad coffee sets from Kazandžiluk St. and hand-made jewelry bought all over Baščaršija.