Ulica Ćurčiluk
Type: Street
Bistrik, one of Sarajevo’s oldest streets, is a major road that runs through the neighborhood of the same name.
The street runs north to south, from Obala Isa Bey Ishaković and then uphill, almost all the way to the headwaters of Bistrički Potok, which is how the street and area got their name.
The street passes below the bridge that was once part of the narrow railway, and right before it the street bends a bit to the left, passing the old Bistrik station.
During the Ottoman period, it was actually three separate streets. The part that ran to what is now Bakarevića St. was called Šehove Dugonje; the section from Bakarevića to the railway bridge was called Bistrik and the part above the bridge was Pastrma.
Even by the end of the Ottoman period, the small street that ran from the Miljacka to the bridge was called Bistrik and it retained this name until 1931, when it was renamed 6 Novembra St., after the date in 1918 when the first units of the Royal Serbian Army entered Sarajevo. They had traveled by train from Višegrad and then came into town via Bistrik St.
From 1941 to 1945, the street was named after the historian, Muhamed Ef. Kadić, and after liberation it was again called 6 Novembra and included the Pastrma section.
The old name, Bistrik, was restored in 1993.