Type: Street
Ferhadija runs west to east, from Vječna Vatra and the point where it meets Titova St., all the way to Gazi Husrev-Begova St., where it then turns into Sarači St. and continues east.
Toward Ferhadija Street’s eastern end, near the northern entrance to Gazi Husrev Bey’s Bezistan, there is a marker on the street that symbolizes the spot where East and West meet in Sarajevo.
This street was laid out in the 16th century. The shorter, eastern extent was located in Gazi Husrev Bey’s mahala, which formed in 1531, and the longer, western extent belonged to Ferhadija mahala, which formed later, in 1562, when Ferhadija Mosque was built.
It is believed that the street, mahala and mosque are all named after the Bosnian Sanjak Bey, Ferhad Bey Vuković-Desisalić, who came from the Vuković-Desisalić family, a Christian family that was quite prominent during the Middle Ages.
This street was called Ferhadija until 1928, when it was joined to Sarači St. and then renamed Prijestolonasljednika Petra St., after Petar Karađorđević II.
While Sarajevo was occupied during WWII, it was again called Ferhadija and then renamed Vase Miskina St., after Vaso Miskin Crni, who had been Secretary of the Area Committee for the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Sarajevo before and during the Second World War. He was also a respected fighter and national hero.
The street was renamed Ferhadija in 1993.