Type: Street
Hamdije Kreševljakovića runs along the left bank of the Miljacka, from Skenderija to Trg Austrije. It probably dates back to the early 16th century, when it ran through three neighborhoods.
In Ottoman times, Tabašnica (named after leatherworkers who had workshops along the river) ran from Skenderija to Čobanija.
The small street from Čobanija to Trg Austrije was named Terezija, after the At Mejdan Park reservoir. At one time, this part of town was called Hadžagin Sokak, after a municipal postman.
At the end of Trg Austrije was Merhemića Sokak, named after the reputable Merhemić family who had a large home here.
In 1878 the section from Vrbanja Most to Trg Austrije was known as Terezija, and became two streets in 1931.
The part from Vrbanja to Skenderija stayed Terezija and the rest was called Dobrovoljačka, after the volunteer army division that formed in Russia and was made up of prisoners and those who had deserted the Austro-Hungarian army in this part of the world.
In 1994 the street was named after Hamdija Kreševljaković, a historian.