Ulica Ćurčiluk
Type: Street
Luledžina Street begins somewhere in the middle of Kazandžiluk St., then runs north to form a small square before branching off further.
Its western end comes out onto Baščaršija Street/Square and the eastern end runs into Oprkanj St.
This street was laid out in the 16th century on land that Isa Bey Ishaković, the founder of Sarajevo, had set aside in his vakuf (endowment) in 1462.
During the 18th century, and some believe even earlier, this street was part of Kazandžiluk and, since it was here that ibrici (pitchers) were made, it was called Ibrikčijska Čaršija. The name Oprkanj was used some time later and during the Austro-Hungarian period it was called Oprkanjski Mejdan.
After 1918 it lost its own name and became part of Kazandžiluk St. and then in 1931 it was divided into two sections. The small square was named Mali Kazandžiluk St. and the small street that ran west to east was called Luledžina St.
The latter was named after Hajji Hafiz Mustafa Muhić, the last teacher at the mekteb that was once here. He was given the nickname, “Luledžija”, because he had worked as a pipemaker (lula = pipe) when he was younger. He was also known as a skilled calligrapher.
Today, Luledžina, along with Kazandžiluk and Male Daire, comprises an area that has its own special ambience and it has been named a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The home of the famous BiH poet, Mak Dizdar, is found here and it now houses the IPC “E” Gallery.